Saturday, July 24, 2010

Genoise, Gateau Weekend

Chef's Lineup

They must give a lot of thought to lesson planning, having us round off our first week and head into the weekend with, well, a Gateau Weekend. So much so we made not 1 but 3 cakes to see us through the coming class-free days. 3 times the merrier, I say. 

White Wonders

With more whipped cream than I needed, I started piping the top of 1 cake with a sorta kinda flower arrangement design in mind. A smaller nozzle might have served my intentions better; I ended up making what looked more like fungal growth then floral bouquet. Ya, that'll really sell. 

Then again, there's nothing a little, or a lot of, white chocolate buttons can't fix. 

My Genoise, Genoise

Soft cake with light cream and sweet berry jam (no apricot or marmalade for me, thanks) works a treat: the macerated cherries: optional. Throw those ghastly coughdrop gumballs out the first chance you get. >p 

Heavy Duty

Heavy on 2 counts: the unbelievably I-am-Sam dense texture of the cake, and the OD of rum that went into the soaking syrup. I wouldn't start the weekend without it. *hic* 

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